2018 Reading Goals

Last year, I read SO. MANY. BOOKS. In no small thanks to the Around the Year in 52 books Goodreads challenge, I managed to read 52 books, most of which were amazing. Plus, I’m pretty sure that 52 tops out at the most books I’ve ever read in one year.

But what’s the fun in having a challenge if you aren’t trying to constantly beat it?


I’m putting my reading goals out here for the world to see, because I trust that someone will hold me accountable. And this year, I’m aiming for 60! I think I can do it. My husband may not be thrilled, but I think I can get away with reading 60 books in a year. One book every six days? Piece of cake…

In addition to this, I hope to diversify my reading. Most of the books I choose to read are non-literary fiction, written by white people about white people. And, because one of the reasons I read is to expand my horizons, I want to push outside of my comfort zone and make an effort to read books by authors of color and non-heteronormative authors.


Hopefully, these goals will be attainable and still interesting! That being said, I am taking recommendations for ALL OF THE BOOKS. You can follow my progress for these goals on my 2018 Reading Challenges page.