About Emily

Hey y’all! My name is Emily, and I’m a high school economics and personal finance teacher living in South Louisiana.

Reading has always been my solstice, when I’m having a bad day or when I’m having a great day. I look forward to coming home from work and diving into a new release or a classic. I read just about anything, with the exception of horror, because no.

In my free time, I hang out with my little family, laugh with my friends, and cuddle my (adorable) kitten and pup.

If you want to learn more about me, check out Why I Read. Browse through my Book Recommendations page, or search through my posts for reviews and ramblings!

13 thoughts on “About Emily

  1. Thank you for stopping by! I was thinking of changing the name, since John Green and The Fault in Our Stars kind of hijacked it, but I'm at a loss for what to change it to!

  2. Don't change it! I just came here because I like the name, and now I'm going to look around to see why I resonated with it so well. 🙂 (P.S. I hated that John Green book, which I found so depressing and unsuited to my beliefs in reincarnation & such …)

  3. I am a huge bookworm so I'm hoping I can find some great reads through your blog. Looking forward to getting to know you more and watch your journey through blogging.

  4. Ahh! I miss reading so much. :[ I haven't been able to read anything for fun in ages. Will be living vicariously through you (and probably adding a bunch of books on my list to read when I finally have the time again, if that day should ever come)! 😀

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